Hi everyone! I’m here again to talk about the pros and cons of traditional and modern architecture in Malaysia. I had shared about Malaysian vernacular and modern architecture in my previous posts, if you have read my previous posts then you will more understand about Malaysian architecture.

So, what are the pros and cons between tradition and modern architecture? Now, I will share you more about it. Malaysian vernacular architecture is characterised by its reliance on needs, traditions specific to its particular locality and construction material. Humans can capitalize on the local traditions and knowledge. They also take advantage of local resources and materials, means that they are sustainable and relatively energy efficient to the environment. For example, they mostly used natural material such as tree trunk, leaves, soil and so on to build the architecture. Vernacular architecture provides humans and the environment a vital connection in which they live. Humans know well in using the material which they get from the environment to build up the houses. They designed with the local climate condition in mind, and often perform well specifically. They designed with stilts to prevent floods and large window to provide good nature ventilation.

Conversely, vernacular architecture took longer time to build, “traditional forms were built by hand which is much slower requiring many workers on site for a longer time.” (Lohden , n.d.) Traditional architecture were limited on materials what can be get in the forest around them or dug and quarried from the ground. Due to structural constraints, traditional buildings were limited in height. Within the structures, there is lack of internal walls or partitions to separate the spaces. “It is possible to conclude that the absences of these walls might imply the absence of privacy concerns but privacy is manifested differently in different cultures. The rules and symbols of privacy controls influence the flow of information and communication at individual, group and social levels.” (Sim, 2010)

Example for Malaysian Vernacular Architecture
(Image Sources:

Example for Malaysian Vernacular Architecture
(Image Sources:

In the other hand, the advantages of modern architecture are much faster than vernacular architecture. Much quicker erection allowed by manufacturing of components and assemblies off site. Less structure materials are required by modern structure, so it becomes lighter. And also, they are more variety compare with vernacular architecture, the design options are limited by the primary structure materials which are wood and stone. Modern architecture used modern materials and systems. Steel columns are used in exposed applications, concrete block is used as a finished material, concrete floors are stained and exposed, long-span steel trusses permit open column-free spaces, and radiant heating systems enhance human comfort.” (A2modern, 2011)

But, there are few disadvantages in modern architecture. “Buildings are sometimes expensive to build because of the high-tech materials they use.” (Terms, 2016) And modern architecture is lack of culture sometimes, some modern designer just follow the trend, but not care about local culture.

Example for Malaysian Modern Architecture
(Image Sources:

Example for Malaysian Modern Architecture
(Image Sources:
One coin has two faces, everything has their advantages and disadvantages. We have to study on the advantages and apply into our design, but solve the disadvantages to make it more to perfect.

So, that’s all for today, stay tuned for my next post. I will make a conclusion as an ending of my blog. See you! J


A2modern (2011) What is modern: Characteristics of modern architecture – a2 modern. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 20 June 2016).

Ltd, D.B. (2016) Vernacular architecture - designing buildings Wiki. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 20 June 2016).

Sim, S. (2010) ‘A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture’, Redefining the Vernacular in the Hybrid Architecture of Malaysia. (Accessed: 20 June 2016) p.p27

Terms, P.I. (2016) Contemporary architecture. [Online] Available at: (Accessed: 20 June 2016).

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