Heyy guys, welcome back to my blog again. Today, I’m going to talk about Malaysian vernacular architecture which combined with modern architecture. Do you still remember what the characteristics of traditional Malay house are? If yes, I’m happy you are still remember with it. If not, no worries, I’ll let you know again.

High-pitched and steep roofs, large window, stilted timber and one concept floor. Sound familiar? Yes, it’s characteristics of traditional Malay houses. I’m going to show you examples of few architectures which combined traditional and modern architecture in Malaysia.

First, Rimbun Dahan is a gorgeous estate but of particulate note are Rumah Uda Manap, which is a unique Chinese-Malay traditional house relocated from Perak and Rumah Penang, which has retained its charming wooden chengal floors and glass windows after its relocation from Penang.

Exterior of houses in Rimbun Dahan

Exterior of houses in Rimbun Dahan
(Images Source:

Second, Terrapuri Heritage Village which located at Kuala Terengganu is a unique resort consisting of 100-year old traditional Malay stilt houses. The owner Alex Lee has conserved and transported these classic structures and combined them with a luxury resort feel with a 17th-century palace’s layout.

Exterior of Terrapuri Heritage Village 

Interior of Terrapuri Heritage Village
(Images Source:

Next, Hijauan House which located at Kuala Lumpur. The renovation on this house was centered on a specific goal which is not to damage a single tree. Fortunately, Twenty-Nine Studio managed to maintain the lush vegetation while adding a minimalist and airy take on a home. Wood is a staple in traditional Malay architecture and its presence remains strong here with its deck and timber screens.

Exterior of Hijauan House
(Iamges Source:

Last, Classic Malay House which located at Jalan Dato Keramat, Kuala Lumpur. It retains all its old world charm for modern travellers to enjoy. Intricate details like the dominant wood carvings and walls have been retained and juxtaposed with modern amenities and furnishings like the exposed brick walls.

Exterior of Classic Malay House
Interior of Classic Malay House
(Images Sources:

These examples showed us a perfect incorporation of traditional and modern Malaysian architecture. It’s apply the elements of traditional Malay architecture into the modern Malaysian architecture, such as it used timber as the structure of the buildings, large window for cross-ventilation,  These modern architectures integrated well the buildings into the nature.

For the next post, I would like to make a comparison between Malaysian vernacular architecture and modern architecture. Stay tuned to know more. See you :)


Wong, K. (2015) 5 best modern Malay-Inspired homes in Malaysia[Online] Available at: (Accessed: 11 June 2016).

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