Heyyy, nice to see you again. This is my 10th entry of my blog, I would like to make a conclusion for all my research on Malaysian architecture. Today, I'll look into an argumentative topic: Should we emphasize more on vernacular and modern architecture in Malaysia.

In my research on Malaysian architecture, I knew more about vernacular and modern architecture. I learn about the design, characteristic, structure, material and etc. for both of them. In my opinion, I think we have to emphasize more on modern architecture. There is few reasons below to support my opinion.

Firstly, I will talk about the design of both architectures. Traditional architecture is more to fulfill what human's need or wants in the era, and also they are just based on the local climatic, culture, functional and sociological. Traditional architecture is designed to make a shelter which can protect them and prevent the disaster from the environment. Modern architecture not only provides a shelter, but provides a comfortable shelter. Modern architecture emphasizes more on the design which create a nice feeling or mood and also the functionality of the house.

Next, the structures of traditional architecture are also applied on modern architecture nowadays. For example, the images below shown that modern architecture applied traditional architecture elements such as big opening for good ventilation, high ceiling for better thermal comfort and so on. Some traditional architecture is lack of internal walls or partitions to separate the spaces and they shared the single roof, it might cause the privacy problem to the particular. Modern architecture is more on simple and clean, so it is easier to maintain and clean.

Modern architecture with large opening
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Modern architecture with high ceiling design
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For the material part, modern architecture come out with the materials which much stronger or harder than the traditional architecture. Modern architecture also use traditional materials, but in modern ways. Modern architecture plays with the material to create moods and feelings."Mixing traditional and modern architectural elements works well when done properly and with a slight hand of restraint." (Little , 2014)
Modern architecture with traditional modern
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Modern architecture with traditional modern
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So, this is my reason why I prefer to emphasis modern architecture than traditional architecture. It doesn't mean that traditional architecture is not important, it just means that modern architecture can be mixed well with traditional architecture which also represent the Malaysian architecture with the elements of traditional architecture.

Traditional and modern architecture go well together
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Thanks for your patient to read all my posts in my blog, This is the last entry for my blog, and I tried my best for it, hope you like it and feel free to leave your comments below. Thanks! 

(Image Source :


Little, S. (2014) Why people Love Modern architecture.[Online] Available at: [Accessed: 22 June 2016].

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  1. nice article tho, as my design style is combination of vernacular and modern.
